Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh, I Promise We're Still Working

I swear. Really.

Our application is still in at the Special Events Office, but honestly....we're not optimistic. Last year we got approval fairly quickly, and this year everyone has to jump a thousand more hurdles. As of right now, the Special Events Office is planning to have a sit-down board meeting to discuss our application. So.....we're still waiting.

HOWEVER, we do have a Plan B. We're talking with another councilman from another neighborhood about using a different street. I don't want to specify who & where just yet, as everything is still hypothetical right now. But he is also having a meeting with local businesses and residents THIS AFTERNOON(!!) to feel out the situation. From what we hear, the businesses are excited to host the rally, we just have to win over the hearts of the locals.

I'm going to be honest here. Nicole & I are uncomfortable with how long this is all taking. We realize it is super late in the year and we don't have much done. If and when we finally get approval for a location, I can promise you we're going to hit it hard and do all that we can to make this a great year. But at this point, I'd be a fool if I thought we could do it ourselves. I'm going to have to rely on you guys to help make this a successful event because in reality, it's you guys that do that anyway. I can't tell you how appreciative we are of all the kind words and thoughts that you all send our way, and that is truly what makes this a pleasure to plan. I will go to a hundred town hall meetings just to see you all happy this August (but please don't make me do that).

That said....does anyone have suggestions for a location where we can possibly get approval fairly quickly?

More info when we get it,