Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's the Hold Up?

Have you seen the updated website? Well, have you? It's ok if you haven't, go check it out now. I'll wait.

Back? Ok, cool! What do you think? I know it's pretty much the same, but I spent a fair bit of time picking out just the perfect pictures to show off how much fun we had last year. And did you see the new logo? I know it looks a bit hard to read when it's small, but trust will look GREAT on t-shirts! You want one of those, right?

So. I suppose we should tackle the elephant in the room. Why haven't we announced a date yet, and why does the website say TBD?

I'd like to think it has everything to do with how successful we were last year. We had about 500 bikes and about 600 attendees show up. We literally ran out of wristbands & had to start marking hands with sharpies! If you came during our peak, you may have even found it hard to find a spot to park your bike. We almost ran out of room!

C'mon Laura, get to the point.

Okay, okay! Last year, we worked with Karla Owens of the Bloomfield Development Corporation to make sure everything ran smoothly with the local residents and businesses. And for the most part, everything did run smoothly. But...600 people crammed into a few blocks, let's just say it ruffled some feathers. As with our first year, Liberty Avenue was a new location for us, so there was a bit of a learning curve. Though we felt we had organized everything we could, there were some things we just couldn't anticipate, such as the effect of the detour on the traffic. And as you may or may not know, we definitely heard about it.

I truly feel that the reason the rally is so successful (aside from the awesome, awesome motorcycle & scooter community in Pittsburgh) is because Nicole & I are meticulously detail oriented and try to prepare for every eventuality. To that end, we have included some more people and organizations into our planning process to make absolute certain that everyone is happy and every issue is addressed. Unfortunately, that means the whole process is slowed down a bit.

So where are we at now? We are applying for our permit to shut down Liberty Avenue this week and if the timeline follows last year's, then we'll have our official date in about two to three weeks. Rest assured, it will be a Saturday in August. But which Saturday? Nobody knows.......

Haha just kidding. We know. And we'll let you know as soon as we can.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Website Woes

I've been working really hard on updating the website and I've stumbled upon a HUGE oversight.

I have NO pictures of any of the contest winners! I don't even have a single photo of the trophies!!! How did we let that happen??

Well actually, I know how. Nicole & I are always so busy during the rally, we just don't have time to take photos. And our friend Christian who usually takes a ton of photos for us was also busy volunteering last year. Though his photos are definitely all over the updated site, he wasn't able to snap any of the contest.

Our flickr group is great and has 517 (!!) photos, but none are of the winners or trophies!

Can any of you dear readers help a gal out? If you have any photos of either our trophies or contest winners, please send them to me at Thanks for any help!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Keeping up to date!

Hello friends!

As you may have guessed, planning for this year's rally is in full swing. We have so much in store, needless to say this year will definitely be bigger & better than last year, if you can believe that! So to keep all of you in the loop, we'll be making regular updates on our progress on this blog.

What's the difference between this blog and the facebook page? Well, I'll tell you!

We'll be posting short, concise news items on facebook, but we'll be going into full detail with our plannings and goings-on here on the blog. We thought it would be fun to let you guys see how we actually put the rally together.

So sit tight, we're working like fiends! First on our to do list: update our official website at, which is LOOOOONG overdue.
