Monday, March 19, 2012

Calling in the troops!

Ok, so.....we've hit a tiny snag. And by tiny I mean kind of substantial.

There is a group in Bloomfield that was pretty upset over the road closures last year, and they've started a campaign to keep us from having the rally again on Liberty Avenue this year. And though I can't say this for sure, I'm pretty sure none of them attended the event to see how beneficial it was to the community, and what a great family-friendly event to have to enjoy the weather.

So now is the part where I ask for your help. Nicole & I will be speaking at a Town Hall Event on March 28 to help address the concerns this group has, and try to alleviate some of the tension that has built over the past 7 months. We would love it if our attendees could attend to either show their support, or even contribute to the discussion and shed some positive light on the rally. We want to put a face to the rally, so this group can see that we're not a bunch of misfits revving our engines & scaring children.

The Town Hall Meeting will take place on March 28 at 6 pm in the auditorium at the West Penn Hospital on Liberty Avenue. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at

Hope to see you all there!



  1. Is this a group of residents? Have you contacted any of the local businesses that benefited last year and asked them to speak?

  2. Yes, we are in the process of asking the local businesses to come speak on our behalf. We just also think it would be great to show who the people are that are attending the event to prove it benefits everyone.

  3. Can I just say I live in Bloomfield, and I know exactly which group this is.. and if they had their way.. Bloomfield would never move forward.. that woman makes me crazy.. sorry you're having a rough time with them..

  4. I'm trying to find the address of the hospital and the only one I can find is on Friendship Ave. Is that it?

  5. Yes! The proper address is:

    4800 Friendship Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15224

    Hope to see you there!
